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Ancre 1
The crew
The sailors who will take the helm of this sailboat during the world tour of L'Expédition Bleue are the following four:

The captain
As a sailboat instructor in search of herself, Aurélia aims to share her passion while raising awareness among the general public about ocean protection.

The science guy
Initiated by Les Glénans and eager to explore the oceans, Thibault aims to combine sailing and participatory research to contribute, on his own scale, to the understanding of ocean pollution.

The eco-warrior
As an apprentice skipper, Théophile wants to travel the world to better understand it and himself.
For him, it's a way to adopt a more coherent attitude with his environment and learn how to better preserve it.

The mechanic
As a water sports enthusiast and eager to explore the world, Vincent wants to show that in water activities, just like anywhere else, being eco-friendly means first adapting what we already have instead of buying new products.
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